Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Apologies for stasis in the blogspot. I feel guilty. I've been TBTB- too busy to blog. And just a little slow. There's no excuse for this sloth- as the zoo-keeper said when one of his charges misbehaved, so here is at least something.

Where does all the time go? Don't answer that. There isn't time. There's just time for me to break the virtual silence with this tiny puzzle- and just time for you to solve it (sorry I didn't have time to make it any smaller).

It was suggested by a game of noughts and crosses when my opponent failed to turn up and I forgot what the grid looked like. Needless to say, I won that game, though if I'd chosen '0' I'd still be waiting for the game to get started, and even this little kickshaw would not be here.


PaulT said...

Nice -- though shouldn't the down clues be numbered 1 and 2, with no need for a 4 in the grid?

Chris Maslanka said...

You're quite right. How did that happen? Thanks for pointing that out. I'll correct it at the double...